Sunday, December 17, 2006

A Jazzy Christmas

Here it is, the seventeenth already. Eight day until Xmas. It doesn't look like I'm going to get to any of my traditional concerts this year. I've been sick...still am. It seems like it takes me longer and longer to recover from even a small bout with a Cold or aCough. I had the flu shot and now I'm taking some expensive, non-generic antibiotic for seven days just to make sure my "compromised immune system doesn't let me get something worse. It doesn't help the sore throat, post nasal drip, cough etc. These all don't really let me sing or even go to concerts. I had to give up and donate my L.A.M.C. ticket to their annual Xmas Concert at the to which I look forward. I'm also missing my beloved Mountainside Master Chorale's second performance today. Sad. I would've like to have heard/seen how they are doing with their new conductor. ie. "the Post Bruce Era". Oh well, maybe next time.
I did honor my commitments to my Mixed Chorus Group at Crafton Hills even though I was not in my best form, voice-wise. Above you see the front cover of the printed program for the event. According to the director, Bruce, it was the best group/performance he has had there. I did have fun with it. I was also asked to participate in the Caroler's Octet. We did all right even though we got the wrong pitches on one song and had to start over. We had originally practiced and planned to do the "Soul Version" of "The Hallelujah Chorus" from the "Messiah" which was too tricky, rhythm-wise for us and the accompaniest, so we dropped it. We also didn't even try to do the "Frosty the Snowman Hand Jive" choreographers/dancers in the group. The songs I liked best were: "Silent Night", "One Candle Lights the Way", "Jazz Gloria" and "The Twelve Days After Xmas" (quite funny) My sister sent me some other "Comic Christmas Carols" that I intend to pass on to Bruce. ie. "Throw the Yule Log on, Uncle John", "Good King Kong Looked Out", "You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch", "J.B.M.C.A. (YMCA?) "Jingle Bells, Merry Christmas to All" & "Fruitcake"...maybe next year.
One of the most enjoyable parts of doing this singing is meeting and working with such great young people of "like-mind" ie. they love to sing too. Who can forget the nutty girl from Kentucky and her drawl pronunciations and daring suggestions to Bruce. ie. daring Bruce to turn around at the end of "A Groovy Twelve Days" (70's Style) and strike a "John Travolta pose"...he did it! I enjoyed his sense of humor and the way he handled challenges and disappointments that are bound to appear. Then there was the father and son, bass and tenor in the Octet who just seemed to love to sing together and practice all the time. Nice bond to have with a son. Then there was the fellow tenor, standing next to me, very shy and quiet who confided that his dad or friend was in the Inland Master Chorale. He made great strides in learning to sing some tricky tenor parts. There was the fellow senior singer and bell-ringer. She sings in 3 different choirs locally. Invited me to join. She also helped Bruce with the "logistics" of running the group, music library, bookkeeping etc. Very nice. All in all, a worthwhile endeavor. I'd do it is just...the "handwriting on the wall", yes, health issues connected with being out at night, and leaving Betty alone. Our days and nights with each other are getting shorter/fewer and I just hate to miss any of them...even for singing. We went "dancing" last night at the clubhouse. Our annual Xmas Dinner was fun...even though we both felt "under the weather". It is such a "short drive" home before 10P.M. Yes, I know, happens to all of us here in "God's Waiting Room". Bob!


At 9:30 AM, Blogger BOB! Your Life Preserver said...

I was so disappointed that I couldn't perform Monday for the Crafton Hills College Staff with the Octet. My throat and voice were even worse than they were at the concert. My loss. Bob!


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